As many of you have already noticed, we have completed some changes/enhancements to your client area that we believe you will really find useful and enjoy.
This new feature enables you to create additional users with specific configurable permissions to access your single master parent account. So basically, you now have the ability to setup additional users to access your account and access only what you want them to be able to access. Simply click on “My Details > Add new contact ” to find this feature. For example, now there’s no more need for giving out your account details to give an employee access to just support or billing. We’ve had many requests for a feature like this, so we hope you enjoy it.

The client area due invoices list has been improved to show the balance remaining for each invoice, and allow for a single payment to be made towards multiple due invoices in a single transaction. This will allow you pay any due invoices all at once so that only one charge shows up on your credit card–while retaining the ability to have separate invoices for each service. One more feature that makes even more simple and flexible for you our customer.
Several weeks back we enabled a knowledgebase area of and began adding articles that will help answer many questions you might commonly have and perhaps provide you with information you may have never even thought to ask about. We have now added a link to your client menu to make this easier for you to access. We will continue to add articles to the “KB” as we find helpful information to make available to you. This is another very often requested feature that we hope you will enjoy.
Add Funds
You can now add funds/account credit to your account right from your client area homepage which you can then use to pay any invoices down the road.
Auto Provision for Existing Customers
As existing customers, if you order new hosting services they will now be autoprovisioned for you. It’s not like you had to wait very for us approve your orders up until now. We’re pretty quick to approve orders. But now it’s automatic.
Multiple Domain Renewals
If you have more than one domain registered with us, you can now renew these domains all at once. If you click on the (new) “Shopping Cart” linke from your client area, you will now see a new cart group section called “domain renewals” which allows you to order renewals for one or more of your domains at any time, in one single order.
Support Ticket Search
On the tickets page, you can now enter in your support ticket number and jump straight to that support ticket.
There are plenty of other “behind the scenes” features and enhancements we’ve made–all of which continue to make the best place on the web for all of your hosting and design needs. We hope you will make good use of these client area enhancements and continue to enjoy the ever expanding features of your account.